無國界醫生 Médecins Sans Frontières
4.2.1 Issues Of Focus Medical HIVAIDS Topimage Desktop

Medical Activities


Around 630,000 people died from HIV-related causes, while 1.3 million people became newly infected with the HIV virus in 2022.

Chronic viral hepatitis is a major problem worldwide. Rapid access to diagnostics and treatment are urgently needed.


MSF’s treatment of hepatitis is aimed at groups that are often harder to treat; the people we care for are more from marginalised groups, such as those living with HIV and tuberculosis (TB), prisoners, people who use drugs and sex workers.

Figures about HIV/AIDS and our response

Data and information from MSF and other iNGOs


people estimated to be living with HIV in 2022


people on first-line HIV antiretroviral treatment under direct MSF care in 2022


people on second-line HIV antiretroviral treatment under direct MSF care in 2022