無國界醫生 Médecins Sans Frontières
Frontline Stories

The suffering hasn’t ended

Ryan KO
17 Jun 20102 Read Time

Photo source: Ryan KO

When the earthquake striked Haiti 4 months ago, there were a lot of living victims with a lot of injuries, not to mention their loss of homes, family members & properties. They were saved & helped by emergency intervention at that moment, but under very poor working conditions which led to a lot of complications, not to mention some completely untreated patients, despite 4 months has passed. Here in our hospital, we are managing quite a number of these untreated, badly treated & complicated cases. Some have external fixators put on 4 months ago, yet in bad position, and some just don’t heal, some are lucky enough to have the fixation opened but the plates or nails are infected. Some have the major bone fracture treated, but left with stiff or malformed ankles. Those without initial treatments, now come to us with deformed or angulated limbs that are in poor function. So to the world, Haiti disaster was over, but for the people here, there will be long sufferings that the world may not know, not to mention to care about!
Frontline Stories

Little angels in trouble

Ryan KO
23 Jun 20102 Read Time

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