MSF teams in the South Sudanese towns of Bentiu and Malakal have treated over 30 civilians with gunshot wounds in recent days. MSF’s intervention is alongside and in coordination with the South Sudanese Ministry of Health.
The civilians got caught in the crossfire of clashes between the ruling party of South Sudan and opposing groups in and around Mankien, Unity State and Kaldak in neighbouring Upper Nile State, both in the Northern region of South Sudan.
Among the wounded treated by MSF were women and children, some of them malnourished and suffering from malaria. The recent fighting in the region severely hampers MSF’s ability to reach the affected population. Due to the sudden arrival of many patients at the MSF hospital in Bentiu, MSF is planning assessments to those locations that are still accessible to find out to what extent the civilian population is affected by the fighting and whether those who could not reach Bentiu and Malakal have access to any healthcare.
The civilians got caught in the crossfire of clashes between the ruling party of South Sudan and opposing groups in and around Mankien, Unity State and Kaldak in neighbouring Upper Nile State, both in the Northern region of South Sudan.
Among the wounded treated by MSF were women and children, some of them malnourished and suffering from malaria. The recent fighting in the region severely hampers MSF’s ability to reach the affected population. Due to the sudden arrival of many patients at the MSF hospital in Bentiu, MSF is planning assessments to those locations that are still accessible to find out to what extent the civilian population is affected by the fighting and whether those who could not reach Bentiu and Malakal have access to any healthcare.