Blogs & Stories

When I was young, I've always asked my mom for medical toy sets. I had kidney basins and forceps of various colors and sizes, and a couple of stethoscopes. During playtime, my friends and I would pretend that we were in a hospital – making up...
Our team in Kabo was a mix of nine different nationalities, with different cultures and personalities, and most of them were fluent in French and I wasn’t. But we’re all flexible enough to meet each other halfway. They are tough but at the same time...
I could no longer count the times I was put in a stressful situation as part of my job at MSF. For this mission alone, I had to survive crossing borders, understanding many languages, getting used to time changes, and dealing with days of waiting...
I left the Philippines on 24 September 2015 to get to my new project at the Central African Republic, my second mission with MSF. Although I was excited, I still felt the butterflies, anxious of the uncertain, of not knowing what to expect when I...